

Vision To become the most admired web application development, solutions & training company in the world through world-class quality result oriented products and services with a focus on emerging technologies. Mission To create and provide world class high quality web applications and online solutions with a special focus on emerging technologies. To provide cost effective services to customers. To provide practical training on various software technologies to students and working executives under the supervision of our experienced professionals to tackle routine industry challenges. To employ professionals who possess zeal to learn & innovate and believe in mutual growth and team work.

Web Development

(a) Java Web Development
(b) PHP Development
(c) Face book App Development
(a) Android App Development
(b) i Phone App Development
(c) Pad App Development
(d) Windows Phone Development
(e) Blackberry App Development
(f) HTML App Development
User Experience Design
(a) UX Design
(b) UI Design
E Commerce Development
(a) Custom e Commerce Development
(b) Magneto Development
Thesis development for Mtech/Phd Researchers in below domains
(a) software engineering
(b)Data mining
(c) digital image processing
(d)network security
(e)cloud computing
(f) mobile cloud
(g) Grid computing
(h)Android development
Training Following very well designed training course based on real-time projects are offered
(a) Java desktop development
(b) j2ee web development
(c) PHP web development
(d)Mobile App Android /IOS/Cross platform
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Adresssco 60 top floor sec 40c chandigarh
KeywordIT Company
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School Education
GMSSSS THANA was established in 1952 and it is managed by the Department of Education. It is located ...
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