MCA 504 Software Testing And Quality Assurance !

Testing and the related concepts: significance and potential; Testability and features of Test cases

Software Testing techniques; WBT, BBT, Ticking Box testing; static analysis, symbolic testing, program mutation testing, input space, partitioning, functional program testing, data flow guided testing

Software testing strategies: Approach, Issues, integration, incremental, system, alpha, Beta testing etc.

Comparative evaluation of techniques: Testing tools, Dynamic analysis tools, test data generators, Debuggers, test drivers etc.

Technical Metrics for Software: Quality factors, framework, Metrics for analysis, design, testing source code etc.

Object Oriented Testing: OOT strategies and issues: Test case design, interface testing

Quality assurance: concept, importance and essence; FTR, structured walk through technique etc.; SW Reliability, validation, safety and Hazards Analysis; Features affecting quality of software; SQA Plan

Quality models; ISO 9000 and SEI-CMM and their relevance.

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